I am so excited that my bf's brother and his fiancee are taking in the two "orphans"....my bf's biological sister's kids that she had taken away from her. The kids need so much attention, and I know they are going to get it with Stan and Jess. And I am so glad that the kids are going to stay in the family.
AND....I can't help taking pictures of Katie....she's such a doll!

I am really looking forward to this weekend, because I'll get to FINALLY play with my new camera. I took a few pictures this evening, but beings I was playing with two little girls, I didn't get to do many pictures. "Aunt Holly, come here! Aunt Holly, go get my apple "ball" out of the grass, I can't find it! Aunt Holly, I got a boo boo, I am bleeding!" Yeah, aren't kids great? HAHA!
Tomorrow I will be hitting yard sales (weather permitting) and thrift stores, looking for some toys and clothes for the kids, beings that they are coming with nothing, and the "new parents" don't have anything, either. I love buying things for others. The older I get, the more I like spending on others and not so much on myself. Now, my camera and crafting stuff....that's a little different. Don't feel so bad buying myself some new yummy yarn. Just found a new pattern for a hat that I want to try soon....was going to do it tomorrow, but last minute word yesterday that they are getting the kids Monday kinda made Saturday "CRUNCH TIME", get what you can for them to make them more comfortable.
I decided that I am going to take a couple of the good pictures of each of them and blow them up (size wise) and add their name (LOVE Photobucket editor) and have them hang over their beds, beings they'll have to share a room. I can't wait to see what it looks like, but I can't get the enlargements till Tuesday. Its all good, though. Aunt Holly can still find them some toys and clothes to make things a little easier for them to make the transition.
And now that its 10pm, and the BF is next door hanging with the neighbor when he SHOULD be at home in bed (alarm for work goes off at 4am), I think that I will crash. It has been a LONG day, and I have been nauseous ever since I ate Mexican earlier this week. Nice, huh? Oh well, its all good, I guess.
P.S. before I leave. If you are reading this, will you please leave a comment? Even if its a negative one. If no one is reading this, then what's the point, right? Well, it makes me feel better, I guess. LOL!
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