Saturday, July 24, 2010

Old Times

I was reading a blog of a photographer the other day, and he had posted a picture, black and white, of an older couple. Now, there was nothing special about it. They weren't well dressed, as a matter of fact it looked like they were doing some gardening, maybe. They weren't smiling. They weren't touching. They were just....there. Yet, that picture said so much and so little at the same time. It really got your imagination gears turning. Who are they? Where are they? Why aren't they smiling? Are they married, or are they siblings? Who took the picture?

Nameless pictures always have a story behind them. Its learning that story that is always fascinating. At the same time, you may not always know the stories behind the pictures. They leave your mind open to draw your own conclusions.

Seeing his picture made me think of all the World War II pictures that my grandpa took when he was over seas. A lot of them don't have any kind of markings on them. Where they were taken. When they were taken. Who is in the pictures.

Sadly, my grandpa passed away when I was only 2 1/2, so I will never really know the stories behind most the pictures. Some of them he did have some notes written on them, captions under the pictures in the album they were placed in. But its ones like these that make you wonder.....
Who were these children? What city/country did they live in? Are they still alive today? Why was the lady pulling them in a wagon? (there were several photos like this)
Who are these guys? Were they in the regiment with my grandpa, or just stationed in the same area, and what area are they in? Were they married? Did they have families at home in the states waiting on their safe return? Did they even safely return?

Where in the world, literally, is my grandpa in this shot, and what is he looking at? What kind of camera was this taken with? The detail is amazing!

This one tells us a little bit about where and when, but what is a good question here. My grandpa, left forefront, seems to be talking to the kids. What are they talking about? What did they think of the war and the American soldiers? Are they still alive today, and would they remember this day if shown the picture?
Again, last names of the three soldiers (my grandpa on the left) and where and when. But what? What were they doing? Were they on patrol? Were they on a leave in the city?

In real size, this one has such great detail. Yet, again, we do not know where. Why are there so many wooden crosses? What is their significance? What do they say? Do they still exist today?

I would love to have a historian look at the 300 some-odd pictures that my grandpa and his friends took of the War, in many various places all over the world; France, Germany, Tunisa, North Africa, and I am sure many more I am unaware of. As an ambulance driver and a cook, I am sure he saw a lot. Maybe not as much as the ones in combat, but he saw the after-effects. Lots of pictures show the devastation of the war, from hollowed out buildings to cars blown up on the sides of the roads to collapsed bridges to trailers full of bodies. Oh to have known about those pictures, to have talked to him and learned the where, when, why, who. But we are left to wonder, nameless faces of old times.

I leave you with this picture. Now, I do know the story behind this one. The question is, do YOU want to know, or do you want to create your own story?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

About Me

I found this on my Facebook notes, and I thought I'd share it with those of you who MIGHT be reading my blog and don't know me. Hope you enjoy! Gonna be a BUSY day!

1.What time did you get up this morning? 4am then again at 6:30am

2. How do you like your steak? well done

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? HARRY POTTER BABY!!!

4. What is your favorite TV show? NCIS

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? anywhere but Manchester

6. What did you have for breakfast? Grape Nuts with Vanilla Soy Milk and Blueberry Juice

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Mexican

8. What foods do you dislike? milk product foods...make me sick

9. Favorite Place to Eat? Los 3 Amigos (local Mexican joint)

10. Favorite dressing? Italian

11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? Hyundai Elantra

12. What are your favorite clothes? my comfy jeans and a nice top (in this summer heat, a pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt! LOL!)

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? England, probably

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? empty

15. Where would you want to retire? somewhere peaceful

16. Favorite time of day? quitting time

17. Where were you born? Tullahoma, TN

18. What is your favorite sport to watch? NASCAR

19. Who do you think will not tag you back? don't care, not gonna tag anyone

20. Person you expect to tag you back first? see above

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? anyone, really

22. Bird watcher? in the winter, in the snow

23. Are you a morning person or a night person? night

24. Do you have any pets? currently have a cat here at my house, two Shih Tzus at my dad's house

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? really excited about my new camera and getting to play with it

26. What did you want to be when you were little? don't honestly remember, but I used to stand on our front porch and sing songs from The Oak Ridge Boys and pretend I was on stage

27. What is your best childhood memory? going to the beach with my mom and dad

28. Are you a cat or dog person? both

29. Are you married? legally, yes....but he's been gone for WELL over 4 years now

30. Always wear your seat belt? yes

31. Been in a car accident? lol...yeah

32. Any pet peeves? which one you wanna know about?

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings? no pizza, cheese bad

34. Favorite Flower? ROSES

35. Favorite ice cream? Breyers Lactose Free

36. Favorite fast food restaurant? Subway

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test? once

38. From whom did you get your last email? there's no telling, I get like 20 new ones every morning :s

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? I don't have credit cards, so I wouldn't

40. Do anything spontaneous lately? not really

41. Like your job? for the most part

42. Broccoli? used to like it, with cheese or ranch dressing, can't eat either now

43. What was your favorite vacation? always the 4th of July on the beach at Gulf Shores

44. Last person you went out to dinner with? Bugz

45. What are you listening to right now? the news on TV, the AC blowing out air, and the cat going nuts jumping all over the chair

46. What is your favorite color? red and lime green

47. How many tattoos do you have? none, want one but too chicken

48. How many are you tagging for this quiz? none, if you wanna do it, do it

49. What time did you finish this quiz? 7:33am

50. Coffee Drinker? not anymore...dang caffeine and panic attacks

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Toys... blog entry #2

So with some of my leftover income tax return money, I got myself an Ipod touch. Every day, I play with it and find more new things to do on it. I came across this great photo program, Photo Brush, and have become addicted to it. Now, I'll admit, they are a little "juvenile", but they are so cute! The only problem is I have to download more pictures into my Ipod so I can play more!

I am so excited that my bf's brother and his fiancee are taking in the two "orphans" bf's biological sister's kids that she had taken away from her. The kids need so much attention, and I know they are going to get it with Stan and Jess. And I am so glad that the kids are going to stay in the family.

AND....I can't help taking pictures of Katie....she's such a doll!

I am really looking forward to this weekend, because I'll get to FINALLY play with my new camera. I took a few pictures this evening, but beings I was playing with two little girls, I didn't get to do many pictures. "Aunt Holly, come here! Aunt Holly, go get my apple "ball" out of the grass, I can't find it! Aunt Holly, I got a boo boo, I am bleeding!" Yeah, aren't kids great? HAHA!

Tomorrow I will be hitting yard sales (weather permitting) and thrift stores, looking for some toys and clothes for the kids, beings that they are coming with nothing, and the "new parents" don't have anything, either. I love buying things for others. The older I get, the more I like spending on others and not so much on myself. Now, my camera and crafting stuff....that's a little different. Don't feel so bad buying myself some new yummy yarn. Just found a new pattern for a hat that I want to try soon....was going to do it tomorrow, but last minute word yesterday that they are getting the kids Monday kinda made Saturday "CRUNCH TIME", get what you can for them to make them more comfortable.

I decided that I am going to take a couple of the good pictures of each of them and blow them up (size wise) and add their name (LOVE Photobucket editor) and have them hang over their beds, beings they'll have to share a room. I can't wait to see what it looks like, but I can't get the enlargements till Tuesday. Its all good, though. Aunt Holly can still find them some toys and clothes to make things a little easier for them to make the transition.

And now that its 10pm, and the BF is next door hanging with the neighbor when he SHOULD be at home in bed (alarm for work goes off at 4am), I think that I will crash. It has been a LONG day, and I have been nauseous ever since I ate Mexican earlier this week. Nice, huh? Oh well, its all good, I guess.

P.S. before I leave. If you are reading this, will you please leave a comment? Even if its a negative one. If no one is reading this, then what's the point, right? Well, it makes me feel better, I guess. LOL!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

New #1

Sorry its such a bad picture, I took it with my cell phone....LOL! It is a Nikon Coolpix L110. I LOVE it so far! Haven't gotten to take too many pictures with it yet, so I cannot wait till the weekend so I can start playing with it!

In return for the camera, the darling BF (who bought it for me) had to get his own toy.....

A brand new LG TruSlim FRAME 42" Plasma TV. It is great so far. I can't wait to watch a movie on it, which I'll probably do this afternoon, beings I have the rest of the day off from work. (After grocery shopping for Granny, that is).

When I got home from work today, I found a package on my steps. What was it? The first addition to my new collection....cameras! Vintage, to be exact. This collection is going to be expensive, I have a feeling, but it'll be worth it because they are SO cool! This little gem below I got for $15. Sadly, it doesn't work, but it still is really freaking cool to look at. Its so cute! All small and boxy.
Its a Kodak "Holiday Flash" Brownie. Now, I don't know much about old cameras, so I'd like to get a book with the history of cameras, so I can learn a little more about what I am buying. I can't wait to enjoy my new collecting hobby!

In closing for today, beings I still have LOTS to do today, Emma wanted to say hi. She won't sit still long enough to get a real good shot, so for now this one will have to do.

I will have a New #2 later on today...more pictures to share!

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th Celebration, Take Two

Ok, so last night was my 4th at my cousin's house, and we had a BLAST....literally. It was so much fun! It was the first time in a while that I actually felt like I had a lot of energy and was active. I ended up most the night playing with David, and I couldn't help taking shots of him and his little brother.....

I had bought some colored smoke, and decided to start playing with them, which turned into some cool color effects.....thanks to the darling BF for taking pictures for me while I played. Gonna have to teach him about light and smoke, though. He was standing in the wrong spot, so the sun was coming through the smoke, washing out a lot of the color. But I still think I got some good ones. I LOVE that blue!

I have also decided after seeing pictures of myself, I am not ever going to eat anything again. I didn't realize just how much weight I'd gained lately! I mean, I have, but you know, until you REALLY see it, your brain doesn't comprehend it. Numbers are one thing, actually seeing it is another.

When darkness fell, I got to play with my camera. This was the first year to use this camera with fireworks, and while I didn't use the function on the 3rd, I tried the Fireworks mode last night as I was shooting some of the big ones. I realized, after quite a few failed pictures, that it is a slow-capture mode. How did I learn this? I shot a firework, then lowered my camera....I got a shot of both the fireworks in the air, and my foot! It almost looks like a double exposure, its so funny! From there, I had a little better time with the pictures, although I was too slow when it came to pushing the button. I got a few good shots of some artillery shells and a few fountains.

The coolest pictures in my opinion, though, were the sparklers. You can really see the slow-motion shutter in them, because obviously there's no way that sparkler tip can be in all those places at once. LOL! I just LOVE them, though! They look really cool.

My cousin Linda took some pictures, too, and I'd love to see what hers look like, because she had never used the Fireworks mode, either. But hey, I got some pretty good video too.

But alas, the $400 worth of fireworks (over the course of two nights) goes too fast, and we must wait till next year to blow them all up again. Granted, you can shoot them whenever you want in the country, but they aren't as easy to find when its not the 4th, except for on New Years, and its just too dang cold for them in Dec/Jan! But, I still love them.

Don't think that I forgot about the real reason for the grandpa was in WWII, after all. And when I think of all the troops losing their lives here lately overseas, it really breaks my heart. For them, and for those to come who will have to fight future wars on our behalf, I salute you. Thank you for all you have done and yet to have done. God bless you!

Yes, I said GOD BLESS YOU! I'm not afraid to show my faith. <3

Are you?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th !


So last night was the kick-off of the Holiday weekend. My BF's family has a 3rd of July party every year in a big field. Volleyball, football, campfire with hotdogs and marshmallows, and potluck meal, finished off by fireworks (see and some of the family camping out overnight. We did NOT camp am not a camping kind of girl.

When we first got there, though, I did find this when I got out of the car :

I usually find them pretty easy, but this one was jumping out at me. And I was really impressed with the close-up flower feature on my crappy little camera. This one turned out pretty good.

The cookout was a blast! We had so much fun. The food was great, the company was fun, and the fireworks were AWESOME!

Here lately, I've been playing with Photobucket and their editing features, and I am addicted. I didn't get any really awesome shots from the cookout, but I got a few that were kinda cool. I thought I'd share them with ya.

I just LOVE little Katie's pictures! She's such a doll, and her smile is so cute. I couldn't resist that pink shirt. I really hope everything works out so that she and her brother can stay part of the family. I'll be praying.

We have another party tonight, and I can't wait! Tonight is the up and close fireworks....Bugz and I are the pyros for this party, and lighting up is so much fun. I'm hoping to take more shots tonight, maybe play with a little more color.

I am REALLY missing my knitting/crocheting/crafting. I'm hoping with my extra day off tomorrow, I can work on a few thing. After I wash clothes and dishes, that is. A woman's work is never done. Yahoo.