Ok, so I haven't gotten off to a good start on my blogging. It just seems like time flies, then its all over. Besides sharing the PC with my BF and hardly ever prying it from his hands, I have also been not feeling so well. Nausea every time I eat. I go through this phase every few months or so. It really sucks. I feel like I should be one of those government-insured drug heads that sits around and does nothing but has the government pay for everything for them. Here in Tennessee, that would be TennCare, and most of the people are on drugs and sell them, but sit back with their food stamps and lap it up. How can I get in that group? Must be nice to get it all and do nothing for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to do drugs....just want to be lazy every now and then.
On the days that I do get the PC, I spend most my time on Facebook farming and whatnot, checking out Craftster, and I have become addicted to a blog by another girl named Holly. She and I share a LOT of the same tastes, from what I can tell about her blog. She loves photography (but she's really good at it), is in to ALL things crafty, and she has a really cool style. I think I have looked at her WHOLE blog, and she's got over 300 entries, probably more. Looking at her blog has inspired me, but there are many factors that hinder me from being as outgoing as her:
1) I work for a living....yes, she does to, but it is crafty too (she cuts hair)
2) She has a REALLY cool camera collection...mine isn't all that great
3) She has a lot more time to craft than I do. If I had more time in the days, and actually feet better most the time, I'd be crafting like crazy.
BUT....I'm not going to let those things stop me. I am going to try and do better. I miss my crafting, I miss my feeling of accomplishing something and really being happy about it.
SO...if the BF will ever get in gear, and I can shake the current nausea wave, we're going to head the 30 minutes north to Murfreesboro to go to Hobby Lobby and spend my $25 gift card I won on a fill-out-a-survey website, plus use the 40% one item coupon I printed. Wahoo!
To end this entry, I thought I might share some pictures I've taken since last weekend, including the newest addition to the household, Emma. I LOVE my kitty! Just don't like her kitty litter smelly box (duplex is too small to put it somewhere where we can't smell it...yuck).
On the days that I do get the PC, I spend most my time on Facebook farming and whatnot, checking out Craftster, and I have become addicted to a blog by another girl named Holly. She and I share a LOT of the same tastes, from what I can tell about her blog. She loves photography (but she's really good at it), is in to ALL things crafty, and she has a really cool style. I think I have looked at her WHOLE blog, and she's got over 300 entries, probably more. Looking at her blog has inspired me, but there are many factors that hinder me from being as outgoing as her:
1) I work for a living....yes, she does to, but it is crafty too (she cuts hair)
2) She has a REALLY cool camera collection...mine isn't all that great
3) She has a lot more time to craft than I do. If I had more time in the days, and actually feet better most the time, I'd be crafting like crazy.
BUT....I'm not going to let those things stop me. I am going to try and do better. I miss my crafting, I miss my feeling of accomplishing something and really being happy about it.
SO...if the BF will ever get in gear, and I can shake the current nausea wave, we're going to head the 30 minutes north to Murfreesboro to go to Hobby Lobby and spend my $25 gift card I won on a fill-out-a-survey website, plus use the 40% one item coupon I printed. Wahoo!
To end this entry, I thought I might share some pictures I've taken since last weekend, including the newest addition to the household, Emma. I LOVE my kitty! Just don't like her kitty litter smelly box (duplex is too small to put it somewhere where we can't smell it...yuck).
Christyn, the BF's niece. She's such a cutie!

R.I.P Virginia George 5-28-10....you will be greatly missed "Ginny". Say hi to my mom up there for me. <3